Cambio de Batería


Battery Change

Authenticity Error

You will get a warning that the part is not authentic, but this message that appears as important usually disappears 15 days after the repair. This happens because only Apple has original spare parts.

However, we always send the customer a screenshot from the computer program where you can see that the replaced spare part has 100% life and 0 life charge cycles (it can have 1 or 3, which are the ones we use with the tests we do in the loading and unloading workshop).

We do not format the iPhone for battery replacement.


Battery Change

"%" of life

From the XS model onwards, when changing the battery on the iPhone you can no longer see the battery life percentage on the iPhone itself, but you can see it on the computer. (It comes capped by Apple encrypted by the Serial Number with the CPU).

You can also check battery life yourself, using these web tools:

-For Mac - Coconut Battery - (we will send you the download link)
-For Windows - 3utools

Cambio de Pantalla


Screen Change

Authenticity Error

Since the iPhone 11- 12 - 13 - 14 – 15 model (Mini – Plus - Pro - Pro Max respectively), when changing the screen on an iPhone the message "Unknown Part" ALWAYS appears. (It comes blocked by Apple encrypted by the Serial Number with the CPU).

You will get a warning in Settings that the part is not authentic (in red), but this message that appears as important usually disappears 15 days after the repair. This happens because only Apple has original spare parts.


Screen Change

True Tone

To restore full screen performance, the Data Copy of the original screen of the True Tone function is also performed (Adjusts the brightness and color temperature of the iPhone screen).

It uses advanced sensors to adjust the color and intensity of the screen, as well as adapt to the ambient light, so that images have a more natural appearance.

Cambio de Cámaras

Cambio de Cámaras

Error Autenticidad

Desde el modelo iPhone 12 - 13 - 14 – 15 (Respectivos Mini – Plus - Pro - Pro Max), con el cambio del módulo de cámara, en un iPhone SIEMPRE aparece el mensaje "Pieza desconocida". (Viene capado por Apple cifrado por el Número de serie con la CPU).

Te saldrá un aviso de que la pieza no es auténtica en Ajustes (en rojo), pero este mensaje suele desaparecer a los 15 días de la reparación. Esto ocurre puesto a que Solo Apple posee repuestos originales.

Cambio de Cámaras

Primer Inicio

Tras el primer inicio del equipo después de haber realizado el cambio de este componente, le mostrará la siguiente notificación, solo aparece por primera vez, tras ello el mensaje de error se quedará notificado como anteriormente dicho.

Pero este mensaje que sale como importante suele desaparecer a los 15 días de la reparación. Esto ocurre puesto a que Solo Apple posee repuestos originales.